Short Introduction, the what and why of the Forum
The first meeting of Romsey Forum chaired by Cllr Mark Cooper on 22nd June 1994.
The Forum is an open debating chamber where the issues of the day affecting Romsey can be fully aired and where the general public and town organisations can, through the Forum Chairman, question officers of the County Council and Borough Council.
The Forum decides it’s own structure - people who thrive on rules and structures may find this concept difficult but there is no constitution or rule book. Members are those residents of Romsey Town Council four wards that attend any meetings.
Names and e-mail addresses registered on the Forum attendance forms are retained by the Forum secretaries to enable details of future meetings, minutes, and other documents of interest to be circulated. Members can email [email protected] if they wish to be removed from the circulation.
The Forum usually meets four times a year in March, June September, and November in the Court Room of Romsey Town Hall.
All local town, parish, borough and county Councillors are on the circulation list but they are encouraged to listen rather than lead in the context of the Forum although cross examinations and up-to-date information are appreciated.
So, with no constitution and no rulebook the Forum's success relies on the ability of the Chairman and Secretary to find good topics and to charm Council officers into attending and submitting themselves to scrutiny.
Mark L. Edgerley Chair Romsey Forum
Email: [email protected] |
September 2023 |